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Belgian Anti Phishing Shield

The Belgian Anti-Phishing Shield (BAPS) is a Centre for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB) initiative. This is a system that warns the Internet user in the event of browsing on fraudulent or malicious websites.

BAPS redirects the Internet user to a warning page when browsing these sites. The action is taken at the Belgian DNS level. This is done after a thorough analysis of the site by the CCB.

Each time a user clicks on a link, a DNS request is sent to the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Using BAPS protection, the ISP's DNS server compares the website the user is trying to access with a list of malicious websites. If the requested website is on this list, the ISP's DNS server redirects the user to a warning page.

  1. The CCB receives information about potentially malicious sites
  2. Analysis of potentially malicious websites
  3. The list of malicious websites is transmitted to ISPs
  4. User clicks on malicious website
  5. The ISP checks if the site that is the subject of the DNS request is on the list of malicious websites
  6. Warning page
  7. The Internet user does not visit the malicious site.